CBD Hemp Extract in bowl. Via Unsplash

Incorporating CBD Oil Into Your Pets Wellness Routine

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis plants. CBD is one of over 104 cannabinoids found in marijuana and is one of the two most scientifically and medicinally understood (alongside THC).

Cannabidiol, known for its therapeutic nature, interacting with the receptors in the endocannabinoid system. All vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system, including our cat, dog and spider friends.

When CBD interacts in our body, and our pets bodies, the cannabinoid enhances our system’s regulation of primary processes within the body and the brain. More specifically, when CBD reacts with our CB2 receptors– the receptors with anti-inflammatory properties- we may feel relaxing, anxiety-relieving effects. This goes for our furry friends as well.

The endocannabinoid system is responsible for overall homeostasis. With the help of cannabidiol, these are merely a few of the purported benefits for the animal population. The true extent is unknown until research uncovers the compound’s full potential. For pets, studies are just beginning.

Improved Wellness With CBD In Animals May Look Like…

  • Reduced stress and anxiety (social/separation/situational)
  • Improvements in digestive health
  • Disease prevention (cancer, diabetes, seizure)
  • Appetite management
  • Restful sleep
  • Decreases in inflammatory response such as joints with degeneration or arthritis
  • Topical treatments for skin disorders or wounds, hotspots, pads on paws, rashes, cuts, and so much more.
  • Optimum in quality of life

Safely Administering CBD Oil For Pets

White cat with speckled face; chin scratches.
Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

Animals are highly intelligent. They are also trusting and incredibly loyal to those who love them and for whom they love. When a pet parent is attempting to give some type of remedy to their pet, the animal may often realize that.

Maybe pets can sense the apprehension of their faithful human companion. Or, they have full trust in the intentions of their owner. Either way, it can never hurt to learn some helpful techniques for administering CBD oil to your pets. You can find some tips here.

Animals are in tune with the people they are closest to. The feelings you experience generally tend to rub off on your pet. If you are nervous, your dog or cat, or perhaps your horse, might become nervous. Pets can be very intuitive and may pick up on anxious situations.

There are a number of reasons why your pet might experience anxiety, but it is important to understand how to best help them. 

 Some Tips For Administering CBD To Your Pet

Man holding up dropper bottle of pet-friendly product. Dog sniffing dropper.
Photo by Honest Paws on Unsplash

Containers And CBD Oil Droppers

Always ensure that the CBD oil bottles and droppers are kept sanitary. Do not allow the dropper to rest on an unclean surface or let it come in direct contact with the pet’s mouth. Keep it dry, away from saliva and moisture, to avoid the potential for the growth of mold and bacteria.

You do not want contaminants in the CBD oil to then transfer to your pet. It is imperative to maintain a sterile area, wash your hands, and put the oil away in a safe and dry location to maintain the integrity of the compound. Substances should retain original quality until the use is complete. Take this link for details on how some lower grade substances are void of CBD entirely.

CBD Oil For Pets

If you believe the administration of CBD oil to your pet is going to be difficult, there are several ways to make it easier for you and your pet. It is essential to ensure the experience is not stressful, or your faithful companion will end up running away with each effort.

You can attempt to put drops under the tongue or in the jowls. It might prove challenging to get some animals to hold still for the application and to keep the dropper from resting on their face or mouth. A straightforward technique that might prove less strenuous would be to put drops on your hand to be licked off or on your finger so you can rub it in the mouth. 

Other methods are to put the CBD oil in a water bowl. Or, put some drops on some type of moist food the pet can lick like peanut butter for a dog or tuna for a cat.

Topical CBD For Pets

Topical CBD balms, liniments, salves are to be rubbed into the skin. You will want to target specific locations where your pet is experiencing either a skin condition, a wound of some degree, or muscle or joint soreness. Topical CBD products absorb into your skin, meaning it will not go directly into your bloodstream. Typically, the suggestion is to provide an oral form to be taken cohesively for a complete reduction in symptoms.

How To Choose CBD For Your Pet

Striped cat over pet
Photo by CRYSTALWEED cannabis on Unsplash

In choosing pet products, click through to this pet site. Try to avoid flavorings, alcohol, preservatives. Try and favor simple, plain, organic ingredients that you recognize, are familiar with, and have grown to trust. You do not want to give anything to cats or dogs or any creature that you wouldn’t consume yourself. 

The companies that you choose to do business with need to be reliable. Checking a brand’s reliability can include checking how long they’ve been in the pet CBD oil industry. Or, check if a brand upsells CBD oil products just because they are a pet line. Do a little research before purchasing and administering CBD oil products to your pet, to keep your pet safe, and for peace of mind. 

You’ll know it’s a quality brand from where and how the compound is grown. It can also be helpful to note how a brand communicates and responds to your inquiries. 

Do Your Research

While CBD oil products can potentially be very beneficial for your pets, it is important to do your research. Do your pets have any special health concerns or dietary restrictions to think about? Have you spoken to your vet about their suggestions? 

Pet parents need to understand that hemp is cannabis, and CBD oil is often very concentrated. Make sure to follow the proper doses and go slow. Legal cannabidiol comes from hemp that is a designation of cannabis consisting of 0.3% or less of THC. There are multiple species of cannabis, but as far as those federally allowed on the market, hemp is in the spotlight. And humans and pets alike are benefitting from the medicinal properties of the plant as research continues to expand.  

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Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit-forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For use only by adults twenty-one and older. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

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